viernes, 16 de enero de 2009


Hello, hello, how are you today? I´m fine, I´m fine and you how are you?...
this is one of the beautiful songs that I normally sing in my English classes...
I haven´t had the chance of adding any new information in my blog, but this doesn´t mean that I´m not working. In fact, I have been so busy, that I haven´t had time to comment my improvements.
The point is that the teacher told us to include anything we consider interesting about the subject in the space, and, although I have been to all his classes and, of course, I have paid attention to all his explanation, I have very little time to add all the things I would like to.
Anyway, we have already finished the third difficult activity,so I´m very much happy now.
Has it really been very much difficult to do this? ok. I think that if you have been to all the classes and you have read all the articles, you can organice you practice in a good way. Although, we don´t know our mark yet, so we have to go on suffering a little bit more.
I hope unless to pass de subjetc.

Bye and I wish luck to everybody.
Tthis is over and opportunities are waiting for us.

lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2008


Hi ! good night, it´s two to two and I am still working. I can´t believe it. I have already finished the third essay about Harisam and the evaluation. Once again I have tried my best, although I think that this time I will probably be wrong, anyway, I´m not very much worried about this, since I have got a lot of new things to do. So, If I am not right I´ll correct it.

jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2008

Learning English can be funny

Are you interested in learning English? take it easy and have a good time...

The sooner, the better....

Today, the class has been very interesting since we have had the chance of checking if what we wrote in our last essay was right or wrong, in fact, we have been talking about the different curriculum perspectives; technical and practical and the way in which these two perspectives influence the use of television as a educative resource in classrooms.
Later, we have attended our practice in Cite III and we have been searching for some information. We have been trying to understand the use of some resources such as webquest, E-pal, e-case and so on. Some of them are very interesting ,by the way.

lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2008

Sweet dreams

Good night! It’s 1:23 p.m and I’m still working on my computer. I have already written the last essay about Bernal and Bautista. You know, to tell you the truth, I have tried to do my best but… I’m not sure if this essay is going to right or wrong. Anyway, we will see in the future. Moreover, I have been able to record a video using “ Seesmic,” and I’m very much happy about this. Last Wednesday, César explained number three practice ; and , I think that this activity is going to be a little bit difficult, although I don’t want to worry about this now since it’s very late and it’s time to go to bed. Sweets dreams….
See you soon.

miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2008

many, many, many things to do today

It’s a nice day today. I wish happiness to everybody since there many things to be done the following days and very little time to do them. Today, César has been explaining our third and I hope last practice in New Technologies… this can be tiring since we are having some problems. However, I feel happy today and I want you to feel the same.
This last practice seems to be hard since we have to think about the people for whom we are going to prepare all this. Nevertheless, our group has already decided a theme to investigate (we are still doing this in practice 2, I mean we are searching for information in the net). So, take it easy and stay calm, since if you don’t…….

domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2008

Hi! Everybody, here I am once again. I know that it is very late, but I’ve got new things to tell you. Last Friday morning at 13:00, my group had the opportunity of asking the teacher some questions about all the practices that we are doing in class.
Now, I have new ideas in my mind and I will try to do my best.
I have almost finished practice one, the only part that I haven’t done is the interview because I still thinking about the best person to interview. Although I have worked hard, I haven’t sent the file in BSCW. I think I will do it tomorrow morning.
On the other hand, I have already started practice number two and I want to base this practice in a subject in which I am really interested, that is to say, I want to look for information which I consider could help in my job.